

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My pinky is longer than your pinky.

Little voice in my head says:

angfvhosfubvruedbvre…that was me talking to you.’

My body is an extension of my penis. I look at my body as a vessel that carries my penis.

c’mon! You laughed at that didn’t you? Sexual innuendo’s never fail to entertain me, just like your boobies. LAWL.

Me. Thambi a.k.a NyitYang

‘The world pretty unfair man. You see those ugly or so-so looking guys with super hot chicks as girlfriends.’


‘If that theory is correct, must be because I’m too handsome la…that’s why no girlfriend.’


Yea, me too.


Meh, single guys punya lame excuse.(we sounded pretty damn sad case la) But seriously, am I right? The world works in a weird way. The uglier you are, the more attractive your partner is. No? I don’t know. Hoe.

CIMG0889 uh huh. chick-magnet. I am.

Friends. They come and go. Some friends, the tighter you try to hold on to em', the further and faster they’ll drift away…that’s destiny maybe? I don’t know. Thank God I’m blessed with you. To be able to to know what I’m thinking before I even say it. To laugh at my jokes that no one else will laugh at. To be there…just to be there when I need you. I love you, thebestfriend. Such an emotional talk we had. We both cried. And laughed. Wish I could pack you in my suitcase when I leave.

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