

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Been there, got outta it, but it still followed me. Casanova.

Well…not bad la i would say for my first day in college.(with classes going on i mean)

Of course i’m still a lil peeved about the timetable and time arrangements. When the LAN subjects comes in around March, my 2nd period, which is free, would probably be occupied. THEN i can say my classes will be commencing back to back with no breaks in between them. No, not even 5 mins like the A levels.

But guess what? All this are fairly compensated by the cool teachers i got. Let’s start off with my Individuals and Families in a Diverse Society (my,my, that’s certainly a mouthful) class. My lecturer is Mr Colin Shafer.


Seriously, i thought i’d be getting those old fuddy-duddies i saw during Orientation Day. But Mr. Colin’s probably in his late twenties or early thirties at the most. He is bloody rugged, super-fit, cool and amusing. All the girls in the class(from what i observed) were like feasting their eyes on him, giggling at each other at regular intervals. But what makes him cool is that he ain’t your regular psychology lecturer. He’s more than that. He’s a musician(plays the guitar), he’s a photographer, he was once a cheerleader(which shows with his physique)and he’s been to more than 18 countries. Awesome dude, he is.

Then there’s my English teacher, Mr Craig Woodcock.

…i know you’re laughing, coz i did.

Now, Mr Woodcock(he didn’t want us to call him craig) once worked in an ice-cream factory(BR), kissed a severed toe(long story), is a qualified jazz musician(he presides and teaches the Jazz Club) and his wife is also a teacher in the ICPU program. The dude’s like a walking jokebook. His antics reminds me a bit of Ah Neh, except a bit more western. Oh, and he speaks Chinese. LOL

Mrs Tan. She’s my advanced functions lecturer. Nice lady. Full stop.

Lastly. Mr Gordon Cavanaugh. My lecturer who facilitates the Challenge and Change in Society class. He really is an all around nice guy. And the passion when he teaches is over-whelming. You really feel him. So effin glad i took this subject.

It’s been a long day. And the worse(or best) thing is that everyday’s timetable is THE SAME! Something like re-living your day over again and again and again…Homework hasn’t really been given yet, but heck, with all the coursework i’ll be set, i’d probably be holed up in the library doing assignments.

Nap time. Monkey-balls.

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