

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The heart is the only broken instrument that works.

Little voice in my head says:

'You got it bad, but don’t expect me to feel sorry for you.’

OK, so I know I haven’t been doing good at updating properly. CNY la. I’m sure viewing traffic in this blog is –10 views per day. or maybe –20.

Quick update:

  • Jiashen’s farewell at his house last night. Good luck in Melbourne you loud bastard! lol lol.
  • Poker Night a.k.a Casino Royale (minus the hot chicks) at BrianLoh’s crib. Awesome time with the guys. Won RM50.50. HEEHEE
  • I finally counted my total angpow money. Not as much as I thought it was. I mean, it FELT like it was a lot. This shows again how feelings and perceptions can deceive.
  • I have been eating A LOT. I’m not the only one right? (please say no, it’ll make me feel better)
  • Going to WW’s and Sheashin’s open house(s) tonight. =)

Tomorrow is Sunday, so I’ll put up a proper update. There’s something I always wanted to blog about. Till tomorrow then.

Oh, the song of mine is put on hold. I still haven’t been hit by this superduper stroke of inspiration…yet.

Jan Glidewell once said : You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.

 Kawaii fail.

Please take care of your health peeps! Weather very hot, drink more water! Don’t fall sick! It’s only half of CNY so far. =)

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